“Who destroyed uniformity in the Syro Malabar Church? ” Pope Francis must know this Truth. Laity
Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Indian news media flock around the Indian clergy regarding the Liturgy Conflict in India. Imposed uniformity divides the Church.
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Special Reporter Sam Peter
"From 1968 to 1989, Syro Malabar Church was like a calm ocean, and who made it turbulent today? The answer is obvious, and the public knows very well. Cardinal Parecattil, the first Cardinal of Syro Malabar Church solemnly introduced the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the Church in 1968. “Cardinal Parecattil introduced the Holy Mass facing the people in 1968. All dioceses warmly accepted it, and Church became vibrant and carried the exuberance in it's worship. Only one Archdiocese, the Changanassery rebelled against it in 1989. Until 1989, Syro Malabar Church never embattled any division but blossomed with unity and uniformity in the Church. In 1989, The Archdiocese of Changanassery rejected the mode of celebrating Mass facing people. In connection with the Archdiocese of Changanassery, a lobby group ripped apart the peace and harmony of Syro Malabar Church. So think about who destroyed the uniformity? Who destroyed the true unity in the Church? The bishops, few bishops, NOT priests and laity group. So it is certain Archbishop and his leadership destroyed the uniformity and unity in the Church, and now they are talking about uniformity. The Synod formula of 50:50 is not the uniformity but the hidden agenda of destruction. It is imposed upon the laity and clergy without any consultation but by hook and crook”. Ernakulam priests at press conference blasted the truth.
The credibility of the Synod is in question
The credibility of Syro Malabar synod is in question as most of the bishops in the Synod are the product of lobby groups based in Cheganassery. The bishops appointed since 1996, all of them were selected by this lobby group based on the obsessive orientalist attitude. Many of them blatantly face criminal accusations by their clergy and laity. Major Archbishop has 16 civil and criminal cases against him, and lately, the High Court of the Indian Judicial system slammed the wrongdoings of his criminal conspiracy in the land deal. High Court of Kerala, ordered him to face the court trial, which triggered a public uproar that major Archbishop has to resign or Pope has to remove him immediately.
The dirty games of Oriental Congregation in Rome explodes to the public domain.
Lately, Indian Syro Malabar Catholics are avid readers of the Syro Malabar Church history books as the dirty games of Oriental Congregation explode to the public domain. The Church historian based in Rome, Dr. Pallath, expounds in his book the suspicious 'consultation of the Oriental Congregation in 1956' regarding the conspiracy which broached out the discussion about the death of Archbishop Kandathil, the first Archbishop and head of the hierarchy in Syro Malabar Church in late 1950s. It alluded that the Oriental Congregation in Rome was involved in the conspiracy behind the ideological, social engineering of Orientalism in the Syro Malabar Church against the wish of the native bishops.

Above document regarding the conspiracy behind imposing Orientalism that native bishops of the time (1956) unanimously rejected, (excerpts from the consultation with E.R. Hambye. Ref. Dr. Paul Pallath, Restoration and Reform of Syro Malabar Missal)P.130 . The death of an Archbishop and its historical settings were premeditated. “How inhuman that Oriental Congregation waited for the death of an Archbishop to destroy the Church through internal conflicts and divisions,” A Lay church historian comments
Things are going beyond control. Civil restlessness in Syro malabar Church. Curfew declared due to surging Covid crisis.
Curfew In Kerala, Indian State.
The Synod’s circular regarding implementing the imposed uniform mode of celebration of Mass will not be officially read in the parishes as civil authorities are warning about the unrest in communities that can potentially destroy peace in the province. If the social unrest broke out, that would be a big blow to the current communist government of Kerala, India, which took a lenient stand on many Church issues in the province. News media reports that the Kerala government decided to impose a night curfew in the state from Monday as the Covid cases are surging uncontrollably.
( Holy Mass facing People is our right and we will never accept the arbitrary decision of the synod. 3 million Syro Malabar Catholics for Holy Mass facing the People. 25 Bishops dissenting note was grossly ignored)
“Criminally accused Major Archbishop is a disgrace to the Church” Lay movement leaders
In the history of Syro Malabar Church, this is the first bishop who faces 16 Criminal and civil cases in the Indian Courts. Recently the apex court in Indian State ordered Major Archbishop to face the Judicial trial about his suspicious deeds in the land deal. International auditing firm appointed with the consent of the Vatican, KPMG firm found flagrant violations of civil and canon laws in the land deal. The report was kept under the carpet by the Vatican, but the whistleblowers of the Church made it public, which caused uproar in the Church for the resignation of Major Archbishop. Holy see is accused of the double standards in moral and ethical matters to India and social media is inundated with excoriated criticism on lack of transparency. Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu was asked to resign by Pope Francis for a similar kind of fraud in the Catholic Church. Whereas the omission of Roman authorities not to keep the similar moral standard upon Major Archbishop is embarrassing and smudging dirt on the Vatican.
The Synod's decision regarding the “ imposing uniformity at the cost of unity” is animated by the personal vengeance of Major Archbishop and purportedly a cover-up of the criminal deeds.
More than 2000 priests in the Syro Malabar church and 2 Million faithful unanimously asked the Synod Not impose the uniformity at the cost of Unity was slammed down. Instead, the Synod erratically imposed uniformity. “This is a pastoral disaster and destroys our faith. We are least concerned about these things during these unprecedented times of covid-19 where we are struggling to breathe with day today's challenges of our lives. We are ashamed of Church leadership that they imposed it using the digital platform of Zoom meeting. We stand with the Archdiocese of Ernakulam and the words of clergy are relevant. They walk with people, and they know the smell of the sheep as Pope Francis said,” Lay leader of Women welfare of Syro Malabar Church In Kochi responded.
The liturgical decision is a tactic to divert the attention from the Major Archbishop's criminal cases in Indian courts.
The Liturgical issue and unwanted discussion of uniformity are irrelevant and insensitive. It is a political stunt of secular politics that Major Archbishop and Synod adopted to divert the attention of criminal proceedings against him. “This is unfortunate a Major Archbishop is playing the dirty game cheaper than a local politician. If he has the integrity of a politician, he could have resigned following the customs of the political landscape”. Lay pastoral secretary of the Archdiocese responded to the laity 4 justice news.
Pope Francis should intervene and remove Major Archbishop and defrock as he did to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick
The Laity movement asked Pope Francis to act immediately against Major Archbishop and save the Syro Malabar church. ‘ We have high respect and admiration for Pope Francis for his indomitable courage and moral rectitude to act against the grave errors of the Church. “ Why Pope is silent to Indian Cardinal because Rome plays double standard on moral and ethics of Indian Church. It is a remnant of the colonial mindset of the Western Church. Regrettably, some of the officers in the Oriental congregation think that India is still a British colony. The discrimination still continues in matters of ethical approaches. Can you imagine if this happened in the US, The Vatican embassy should have promptly acted ” quipped by Mr. Tom Peter reacted from Huston, the US, an active member of Syro Malabar Church.
Disobey the decision of Synod because it is not pertaining the morals or faith in the Church. Civil disobedience was a Gandhian way of standing with Truth.
Civil disobedience was a political tool used by Mahatma Gandhi against the injustice of the British Raj. It was a peaceful protest initiated by Gandhi in 1910 that shocked the civil authorities of the British Raj and eventually gained freedom from Western colonialism. Laity movement along with clergy will disobey respectfully the decision of the Synod imposing uniformity Laity responds
Reactions of Laity on Imposing the Synod's decision.
Trigger off civil unrest in Kerala and Syro Malabar Parishes. Reactions of the faithful shock civil administration. Government should step in. Concerns flair up the relatinship with the Vatican and BJP Government in India.
When there was an issue with Catholic Church in India that triggered the unrest with the Vatican, Dr.Subrmanina Swamy, BJP Raj Sabha member of parliament tweeted that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi must direct the Ministry of External Affairs to cease all diplomatic relations with the Vatican -- the seat of Christianity. Further, Dr Swamy wants the Vatican's embassy in New Delhi's Chanakyapuri to be sealed.” It shocked the Christian minority in India and the similar political ramifications expected to explode again.

Phto Credit/ Public domain Rajya Sabha MP Dr Subramanian Swamy
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Versus populum mode of eucharistic celebration was wholeheartedly accepted in old Syro Malabar dioceses of Kerala including changanacherry.
It was all together overturned only since 1985.
When Pope John Paul the second inaugurated the syromalabar Holy Mass text currently in use at Bharananganam, it was celebrated facing the people. Because that was the norm of the day, everywhere in everywhere in Syro Malabar Church.