Something is Rotten in Denmark! Archbishop Thazath and Archdiocese of Trichur.
Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark! Archbishop Thazath and Archdiocese of Trichur. The petition of the Clergy to assemble was swatted down. Clergy reacts
Wimal Mary Das/ Freelance journalist in USA
Archbishop Andrews. Photo Credit to Public domain.
Following the decision of Syro Malabar Synod to impose the uniform mode of Holy Mass 50:50 formula( half time facing people and half time facing the altar), around 2000 priests and 2 million faithful began to burst out with disapproving remarks. The Clergy at the Archdiocese of Ernakulam met their Archbishop Kariyil and demanded to stand against the decision of the Synod. Along with this demand, Priests of the Archdiocese asked Archbishop Kariyil to call back the circular of Major Archbishop in his diocese. The circular is reprehensible and a collection of misinformation and false statements intentionally spread.
Meanwhile, the second-largest diocese, located in the central region of Kerala Trichur, is on the verge of reactions. Archdiocese is in the spotlight because the Clergy in the Archdiocese, reportedly suffering from mental harassment from their Archbishop. "Archbishop is furious. He is like a dictator splashing personal threats and slur of disciplinary actions if the Clergy speak out their dissent on the imposing uniformity policy of the Synod. Priests are upset, and anger is fuming out. Archbishop is threatening and harassing directly and indirectly, rebuking parish priests with potential punishment in store. What he thinks of his Clergy? Are we slaves to him? We should not express our opinions. We should not speak out against injustice. It is unfair that banning us from speaking out. We stand with Pope Francis and favoring the Holy Mass facing People. The right to appeal is denied by Archbishop. It is our constitutional right. It is an act of dictatorship. Archbishop Thazhath never consulted Holy Mass concerns with any clergy or any consulting body of the Church. He imposed his personal decision on Liturgy. Moreover, now he is panicking and assaulting the clergy of his diocese. He wants to hide his mistakes and failure. He acts like a dictator wielding power over us. He speaks always about his right. What about our right? It is a tragic irony that we have no right even to express our opinions or disagreements. Are we slaves? "senior Priest reacted.
"What unfolded these days are quite shocking. The Clergy want to communicate their dissent against the imposing attitude of the Syro Malabar Synod. The majority of priests asked for an appointment with Archbishop
but it was denied. The more significant number of clergy demanded to call the canonical bodies of the Archdiocese to discuss the Holy Mass Issue, which was arrogantly denied again. Anyone who expressed their views was reprimanded and harassed, threatening to throw out from the diocese and threatening with dismissal . No petition is allowed to process towards any higher authorities. Priests are getting phone calls from Archbishop's office with individual threats and punishment. Laity 4 justice news media learned that many priests are seeking mental health support due to distress and harassment" .
Despite these threats and insurmountable challenges, 230 members( 80%) of the Clergy planned to assemble in the parish hall, but Archbishop asked the concerned Priest to cancel the hall booking at the last minute. Reacting to this autocratic actions of the Archbishop, Clergy resorted to Zoom online meeting where more than 200 members of the Clergy attended and expressed their protest against the imposing attitude of Synod. The Clergy assembled categorically stated that they will not accept the decision of the Synod, and they will continue to celebrate the Holy Mass facing People.
Clergy of Trichur protest against the decisions of Synod regarding the imposing uniformity.
" Bishop Thazhath is angry and upset because there is something rotten in the background. He never consulted the Holy Mass issue with the clergy or any other body of the Church. Rumors are spreading that he is looking for a promotion, and it is learned that the ambition he carried for promotion for a long time is thwarted. Shockingly, there is a hidden deal in the Synod and Archbishop Thazath. If Archbishop Thazhath cunningly executes the agenda of Major Archbishop to implement the Synodal formula ; if it is executed by bishop Thazath, his personal gain is at a spitting distance. For his selfish gain, he is sacrificing the legacy of the diocese. " Priest in his administration told incognito. Archbishop Thazath is facing severe criticism for the lack of transparency in financial dealings in the Archdiocese.
"The Synod's decision is not the voice of people of God" Clergy reacted in anonymity. "Bishop is acting like a dictator and even challenging clergy with personal threat and destruction of their priestly ministry: it is unfair and autocratic. We will not accept it . Archbishop acts with the predetermined agenda of Alencherry".
Rampant corruption in his administration comes out to the public media
A huge amount of Mass stipend is funneled out for his personal use as the Vox media exposes it, Indian channel." The rift between the religious congregation in his Archdiocese was in the mainstream media.