Episode 2: Hidden Trade-off and All-India jurisdiction: Cover up story unfolds
Investigative Report on Syro Malabar Church: Episode 2
Mr. Stephen George, Bangalore based Freelance Reporter, India
There was a time British came to India as trade friends, and they were part of a trade, but gradually, they dominated to take over the power centers of India and established political power notoriously named as British Raj. Eventually, British Raj paved the way to set foot a political empire in India. What is fascinating in this power ordeal? The British crew employed all dirty tactics in india meticulously aiming to take over the colonial land. The British crown became the epicenter of power. The mantra of expansion of the Kingdom was guided by the concealed alliances with local kings. They won their games amassing power and wealth. They entered into agreements and contracts with the local Kingdoms, “offering” remarkable rewards in exchange, certainly the British Raj reached to exponential growth.
This story is not a piece of history but a living reality today. We can easily identify similar stories here. These kinds of unholy alliances and business deals occur under the carpet by “all-India bishop” targeting the wealthy dioceses operated from the power centers of Changanassery. What is the reward? Obviously ,monetary benefit, indeed colossal chunk of money.
Put Things into perspective
Divulging the hidden games and business deals under the carpet leakes out occasionally. Let us focus on few more states of India in his "All India diocese". In dealing with pastoral perspectives, it is pertinent to note the Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan a well-planned colonial master mind can be found. The “all-India bishop”, as part of a master plan negotiated with some powerful and rich dioceses to trade off certain territories of the all-India jurisdiction with an offer of “rewards”. Gujarat area was “offered” to Palai and Agra region was “offered” to Changanassery under the pretext of already existing missions. In Agra region, the normal logic would have been extending the territory towards the North, but they preferred towards Rajasthan, just because there are some migrants from Changanassery. The elements of culture, language and even geographical vicinity were not taken into consideration. No Latin prelates or priests were consulted in this distribution. The “all-India bishop” sitting in the South made a trade-off plan based on his knowledge of maps and sketches. Priests were assigned to these areas from respective dioceses (with a plan to make them bishops in the future).
All India - Territory but No religious sisters in the ministry.
Ex Nun’s sexual stories follows.
Video Credit, Media Mangalam: Allegations of Sexual advancement and assault revealed in her interview broadcast.
Syro Malabar Church is blessed with a larger number of women congregations, and they are always at the forefront of the pastoral works. However, someone claims that he has all India jurisdiction but no women congregation is invited to his All India jurisdiction diocese. The truth is probably, no congregation dares to take up the missions as there are rumors about allegations and sexual advancements publicly discussed in social media by ex-Nun Jesmy, and her shadow follows him . The answer is simple in religious circles. “ he starts something, a series of stories by Sr. Jesme and a Legion start circulating in the media. Among the sisters, those who know these stories, he has no moral authority and is afraid of him. These occasional stories drag him to secret hide-off places, even up to psychiatric cells.
Besides, the “all-India bishop” turned upside down in the matter of “liturgy” once he took up this office. There was a time, he was in the forefront of attacking the Chaldean lobby left and right; his boss was somehow handicapped in the roaring voices of his adamant stand which smelted away with the drastic change of position, which echoes erosion of his integrity.
Photo Credit Public domain/ The hypocrisy of wearing the gown of a group with hand-cross in one place and just the opposite in Thrissur Archdiocese when he comes for fund collections raise questions about his personal integrity.
Gossips go around that trade-off with the Chaldean lobby offering him all Episcopal insignia, building church altars with veil made him a laughing stock. Then, the overnight change of the attire of the “all-India bishop” and partisan to the other group has made him a controversial leader. The hypocrisy of wearing the gown of a group with hand-cross in one place and just the opposite in Thrissur Archdiocese when he comes for fund collections raise questions about his personal integrity. He is then rejected by both parties, in spite of the offers of “rewards”. All these contribute to the lethargy and undergrowth of the all-India jurisdiction.
In his mother diocese, his overnight change, which is totally against the moderate position surprised many. They asked why should he come just to collect money? He is not able to enter in some quarters of his own mother diocese Thrissur. To all these allegations, he has not responded, either positively or negatively.
A failed leadership, Full flop strategy, Catalyst for rift and division between Latin Church and Syro Malabar Church in India.
We can conclude that the creation of the “all-India bishop” and the claiming of all-India jurisdiction directly or indirectly have not brought in any positive outcome in the missionary map of India. Throughout all the States in India, it has not made any difference in evangelization nor pastoral care. The plans to distribute some areas and thereby amass wealth have found some results. Some more bishops will be created, but not any new faithful. In total, the all-India jurisdiction and the “all-India bishop” have proved a full flop and failure. Whether the Synod or major Archbishop take note this pathetic situation or they are taken by the mesmerism and gimmicks of the failed “all-India bishop”, is to be reviewed. Unfortunately, this adds to dark ages of the Syro-Malabar Church along with many unfortunate scandals that reign it from top to bottom. Who will be responsible for a lost golden opportunity offered to the Indian Church? The all-India jurisdiction cannot be taken as an “exclusive” prerogative of one Church, but it should be seen with an “inclusive” approach of all the three Churches. Otherwise, there would be three all-India jurisdiction, which could have been planned and realized as one “Catholic” endeavor.
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