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Ecclesiastical aggression in India in the name of Pope Francis.


Ecclesiastical aggression in India in the name of Pope Francis. So-called apostolic Administrator Thazhath is waging war and wielding power in India.

Tom Peter, Freelance journalist from India

It is more than a matter of liturgy and war on rubrics, but more of the authority and power of the Vatican, the world catholic headquarters in Rome and its diplomatic head office in Delhi. They discreetly wage war for the temporalities of people of God in Kerala in India.

Apostolic Administrator locked the gate of the St. Mary’s Basilica in Ernakulum and stopped the faithful from entering the premises of the Cathedral Church of the Archdiocese of Ernakulum, claiming that it is his property and he is operating at the behest of Pope Francis. Archbishop Thazhath, an ecclesiastical aggressor, is blamed for derailing any peace process in the ongoing liturgical dispute in Syro Malabar Church. Andrews Thazath is apparently seeking police protection for his life, and in the guise of this police security protocol, he has usurped the office of the archdioceses. Then h locked the gate of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam headquarters to block the entrance of priests and laity.

More than 16 bishops in the Syro Malabar Synod already expressed their displeasure over the style of operation of an apostolic administrator. Instead of stopping the crisis with a pastoral solution, Andrews began to act as the ecclesiastical aggressor and is hell-bent on ripping apart the archdiocese.

Archbishop Thazath made an unsuccessful attempt to enter the Cathedral Basilica to celebrate Mass forcefully, but it was stopped by the faithful of the Archdiocese. The law and order of the critical situation interfered and the police force asked to go back to his residence. These unfortunate events worsened the situation of liturgical disputes in India.

One of the priests of the archdiocese writes

Dear Archbishop Andrews Thazhath,

Are you the successor of the apostle of Christ or *the follower of Hitler?* Your actions are nauseating not only to the faithful of the church but also to the society at large. Being placed on an honourable seat, *you prove yourself to be unfit to take any position in the Church of Christ*. You claim to be a renowned canonist of the church and *you show to the world that how the Law can be abused and misused by people like you*. You are killing the spirit of the Law and dragging every minute thing to only your own success. *YOU ARE FAILING THE CHURHC OF CHRIST AND YOU ARE A MAN WITHOUT GRACE OF GOD*. For the sake of the future generation of the whole church, we beg you to get out of the scene. Otherwise, come what may, we may be forced to take undesired steps. We are not afraid of the police force here on campus. *The spiritual and mental power of the faithful are a hundred-fold stronger than the police force you have employed in the Archbishop’s House*.

In spite of the Vatican’s aggression by a henchman of Thazhath against the Archdiocese of Ernakulam, the faithful of the Archdiocese attended the Holy Mass outside of the basilica’s locked gates. The directions of the Holy See discretely claiming the temporalities of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam is a matter of concern to the sovereignty of India and the Indian faithful. Archbishop Andrew's, threatening voice and act of locking the gates in the name of Pope Francis is a kind of "ecclesiastical terrorism" in the Church- Laity groups responded.

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Dec 18, 2022

Vatican have made it clear that it is The Synod of the Syro Malabar Church which decides on matters relating to the liturgy. But the administrator Archbishop tells The Pope asked him to say The Mass turning to alter and insisted the laity to shut up their mouths. And the Most Reverand Liar is using his goons to ransack the Bishop's House in full view of the TV cameras of newsmen....OMG, only the thoughts of The Holy Father gives the strength to tolerate such creatures who bost they do it all for the Pope...


Dec 18, 2022

The above write up is true and very saddening to the hearts of ordinary laity of Ernakulam Ankamaly Diocese. A parishioner of Ernakulam Basilica



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